Our goal is to raise awareness about Pancreatic Cancer in the hopes that together our voices will be heard and we will be closer to finding an early detection method for this most fatal of cancers so others may have the same outcome as my dad. 

This year is a big year for us.  We've officially become a Michigan Nonprofit Organization.  Our goal within the next year is to achieve 501(c)(3) status, which makes all donations to the Hero Foundation tax-deductible.

We hope that our fundraising efforts will even be more benefiticial to bringing us closer to that goal.  All of the funds that we raise will go towards a research group at Karmanos Cancer Institute in Detroit, where my dad was treated and cured.  This group needs $500,000 to conduct this research - and as it stands now, they have $70,000.  Once they recieve the funds needed, they will begin the testing of a blood test that will act as an early detector.  This test will be incorporated in yearly physcials once a person turns a certain age (much like a mamogram is required once women hit age 40).  The test will be recommended earlier for people who have pancreatic cancer in thier family history.  This will be an incredible breakthrough.  We are so close to having this detector, and lucky you - by contributing, you can say you had a part in it.

Please visit the "Events" page to learn about the next golf outing we are having to raise funds and awareness.  Please contact me for reservations ASAP - spots are going fast!

Thank you so much for all of your efforts and support!

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